Part 33: XXVI: Pages of Great Accomplishment
Chapter XXVI: Pages of Great AccomplishmentThat was quite the revelation at the end of the last update, wasn't it? You can certainly guess why I didn't link Ficus' theme until now. As far as this "Pilche" name is concerned, the game never exactly specifies who that is except for the fact it's the name of his pigeon. My personal theory is based on that scene where Ficus tells that "ghost story" about his time living in the tower on the Eastern Continent. He mentions a girl that was sacrificed to him (which is how he got the reputation as an evil demon), and I'm guessing, based on nothing other than the similarity to Piana's name and the fact they probably came from the same village, that Pilche was the first sacrifice he was given. But, that's just my well-founded speculation.

But also as I mentioned toward the end of the last update, the fair is back in town, and since there is absolutely no way this playthrough is going to last another year, this is the last one we'll be experiencing. So I wanted to get first place on camera. Unfortunately...

The odds of that...

Are not very...

Good. Consolation prize, the 4th place result, is a 50 Quality Cabbage. Third place is a pretty good, a Spirit Robe with Max MP+15 and Damage Cut 5%, with the traits Defense Boost / HP Boost / Consumed MP -15%.
Second place is also very good, being a Gnardi Ring with the Effects Power / Protection / Speed Rune L and the traits Overflowing Power / Archmage's Wisdom / Consumed MP Reduced. All of those Effects are +15 to their respective stats, so for the early game, this is a really valuable item.

For the record, it took me 8 attempts to get the first place prize. But it's certainly well-worth it.

An item so awesome we actually still can't make it yet. Lightens the Body L is the big draw here, because it lowers all WT times by 20%, which is a pretty staggering amount. And remember, you can get this potentially as early as Chapter 3 if you *really* waste a lot of time, but this is way overkill for that part of the game (don't quote me on it if it's even possible or not, because I do not know), or even if you do it normally and first visit the fair in Chapter 4 or 5. God Speed Boots will be the second accessory for our alchemists, which is why I have so many of them in my Container here.

Of course, since the Fair is back in town, we also have a Citizens Guard captain to revenge ourselves upon.

Unfortunately, no money... But at the very least, you can test your button-mashing prowess against Sterk as many times as you want. Good for us. We have bigger goals in mind this time. Like giving Totori her Meteor. A girl of character

Totori has such an intimidating presence a person's vocabulary skills just plummet when she's around. Only gotten more formidable in every game she's been in. But, since, I guess, we've seen enough scenes for characters based in Arland after that scene, we have the People of Arland scene in Ar Hollow. Big city ties

The lovebirds as close as always. Which two those are I shall leave up to your imagination.

Yep I think this'll be good for the Warriors' builds. Why not ATK Up Lvl 5? Three points difference between it and Lvl 5 are probably not going to be the difference between victory and death. Just a hunch. I used a Moonbeam Stone to get Lightning Chaser XL. Just more Lightning damage against an enemy if it does trigger.

In particular, since Lightning attacks are Sterk's thing, he'll be getting this one in particular.

Speaking of, all the Warriors are also getting their accessories back from the previous playthrough. Does it really matter what you give them? Not particularly. The ultimate "Boring" party in this game is Rorona/Piana/Lulua in front with Niko and Aurel in the back. Niko can restore one KO'd frontliner with one of his skills, where Aurel can clear debuffs / Stun with one of his supportive skills. So their ability to output damage is negligible point, because they can't do anywhere near the damage the alchemists can do. For me, personally, Angel's Charm is mostly to block annoying debuffs and 1-hit KO and the Mercurius Eye for what measly damage they might be able to do with critical hits. You can also swap out either for a God Speed Boots. Of course, in typical Atelier fashion, you can't equip two of the same accessory in this game.
One final note is the change in accessory traits. Since these fellows can't use items, Ancient Power is useless for their stuff. In its place? Either Stats Power (Stats Mega Charge x Awakening Agent), which is +15 to all stats, or Resonance All: Truth (+5 to all stats + Resonance effects, created from Stats Boost x Resonant Soul) if you want to buff the most important party members even more.

So here's how to make a decent Falling Star Symbol (for the alchemists. Four Spirits with all your traits, Rainbow Fragment of any quality (obviously higher is better...I think), White Supplement (Awakened Gemstone) at 999 Quality with Divine Inheritance, an NVG with Awakened Gemstone, Ghostly Long Sword (Awakened Dragon), and a 999 Quality Living Rope with Awakened Dragon and Lightning+ Awakened Effects.

And of course, make sure you get the correct Awakened Effects in both slots. 27% increase in item power with this one. Use an Alchemy Activator (although, if we're being real, you could use a Dark Firefly for 999 Quality, but no Magic Chaser XL for you) for even more Quality, if that does anything. For the record, I got this one to 976 Quality, so if that 3% and 23 Quality is gonna kill me, well, that's just how it's gonna be. I do not think it will, however. As I might have mentioned prior, there are definitely Symbols easier to get Lv5 Item Power in both slots, but Symbols are mostly there for you to customize a bit. Within reason, of course. There's no excuse not to have the highest Item Lv5 Awakened Effects you can have on the Symbol of your choice.
Magic Chaser XL just has the highest chance of adding some Magic damage, but as you might guess, it's worthless, because alchemists will really only ever seriously be using items. But it *looks* better like this, so this is the way it's gonna be.
After this we have...more Totori? More Totori it is. Ms. Lulua's Classroom

Totori is not lightly said "No" to, apparently.

*later that day*

That's the spirit.

There's some comments everyone has for their clothing in this screen, but I think Aurel has earned this particular costume. I actually got this at the same time I got Rorona's costume, but I felt like he only gets to wear Gio's clothes after his more successful battle against Sterk. Just don't let it go to your head, kid. Sterk defeated Gio once, you know.

Sure hope Sterk doesn't mind the design. A word of caution

Ehhhh, kind of a generous to Rorona description of events. What *actually* happened was that Sterk came to the atelier to warn Rorona about monster activity in the Ster Highlands, Rorona went there with Sterk anyway, they fought Suni Sterm, won, Rorona went to gather some materials, Suni got back up and attacked Rorona, Sterk took a hit defending Rorona, got laid up in the hospital for 3 months.
But, it's very Sterk-like to not blame Rorona at all for what happened. He could have just said no, you know. I mean, not a *gameplay* sense, but work with me here.

Next is...well, it's another Totori scene, but this one is special. It's a DLC scene, which, of course, only triggers if you have Totori as a playable character. Since this came up after that classroom scene, I'm guessing the requirements for it are having her friendship level high enough and finish all of her normal scenes. There's no video because this scene, as well as Meruru's DLC scenes, aren't voiced.

Specifically, by "near here", she means Orthogalaxen. We could do that now, obviously, but given how important the Arland-Ster Highlands axis is, and the fact we still have more of the plot to get through, that we'll be passing by Orthogalaxen again. That day will be the day Lulua learns the no-doubt horrible secret of Totori's book.
After this, I made a Goddess Statue for Niko but...the design for it is quite something, so I'll save it until I actually give one to Niko. The big value of the Goddess Statue is that it's the only synthesize-able Awaken (Gemstone) item, which means you can awaken anything that you can put it into a (Gemstone) item for use in the Ghostly Long Sword. I alluded to the process last update, but the official method is...
Sylphid's Goddess Statue chart posted:
Goddess Statue (Awaken Elixir) -> Rainbow Supplement (Awaken Gemstone) -> Goddess Statue (Awaken Supplement) -> Styrom Board (Awaken Gemstone) -> Ghostly Long Sword (Awaken Lumber) -> Aerven Staff of Light
You might be wondering: hey, couldn't you Awaken a Goddess Statue as a (Gemstone) itself so we can use that in a Long Sword for a better Falling Star Symbol? That would be a good notion, but I couldn't figure out a single damn way to do that. The Goddess Statue's two Awakened slots are (Gemstones) and (Clay). I really tried to game as much as I could off-camera to figure out how to fit it into either slot, but I simply could not. Of all the items that can potentially be used to make themselves, it doesn't seem like that's the case here. Ah well. Again, 27% out of a possible 30% on the Symbol I like the most is going to have to be good enough.
But now it's time to jet off for Arklys to give Eva yet more of Lulua's patented Lululu Curry. Hey, it has her name on it. It could not possibly be anyone else's.

I haven't tested it, but I'm pretty sure this is the scene that pops up when you've made all the previous curry at a high enough Quality level. The next few scenes all kind of flow together, you see.

What she actually wants is 750+ Quality Lululu Curry, so I hope you still have some of that lying around. A true breakthrough

So much for Lulua's egalitarian curry... This thing indirectly calls for a Philosopher's Stone, a rare fish, and a flower that blooms for one month a year. But as I said, Lulua seems pretty far gone by this point, so let's just indulge her.

But if it's going to be Ultimate, it has to be 999 Quality (it doesn't, I'm just being thematically appropriate). Just bring this to Eva to qualify for the Curry Ending. If it's not high enough Quality, you can't hand it over.

Well, they better. A future path

Believe it or not, that's another ending flag accomplished. Now we have the Curry Ending unlocked.

So that now that we've finished the Tera Bomb riddle (the one for using it a whole bunch, not the one that unlocked the recipe for it), it's time to start thinking about a second Ultimate Omega Craft. See, I know from experience that enemies resistant to Earth are going to become more numerous, as well as dangerous. So, it's time to prepare ahead of time by getting a Fire Damage Lvl 5 Omega Craft, and the item we'll be using? An N/A that's Awakened as a Plant. Unfortunately, the N/A is kind of a pain to make, since it requires a Grand Lightning Bomb / Rocket Ice Bomb / Tera Bomb. After I made this, another scene. Heir to the legacy

*knock on door*

Glad Sterk is still protecting Lulua from knowing anything about Astrid. There's a whole kettle of fish there that's best left unexplored. But then again, Astrid might get a fairer shake from asking Rorona about her, the only one we know that Astrid really confided in. But suffice to say they had a complicated relationship.

But now, isn't there another ending flag we can start taking care of? There is. Just outside the door here in Arklys, actually.

Yeah, you could say that... Teacher's test

This is what that Flash Symbol looks like. It's a good look for his sword.

But that doesn't mean Meruru can't adopt that technique some.

Now THAT'S a superweapon.

I mostly went there to get some Dragon Pieces for Eva's final weapon, but geez. The things I could do for good Effects. With these + a Mysterious Disk, I got Dragon King's Awakening L and Max HP +20 (with a max possible for HP +25, the Lightning Effect increases her skill power by up to 15%, I believe). Her unique Effect on this increases her stats by 5% per turn (with a max possible increase of 25%) and increases crit damage by 20%. Pretty powerful.

That's one word for her, I agree.

So I spent a while fussing over Lulua's final weapon. Again, without giving notice to Totori's final weapon, since I want as DLC-free in optimizing as much as possible, it's really hard to get both Shining Destiny Light L and Enhance Items +15% on the same Staff of Light. I was going nuts here, but then I was like "Hey, why don't I look up the difference in Effects levels here to see if it's even something I care about?" I did, and man, was it embarrassing.
I used these items plus a Blazing Ice to get the latter and Shining Destiny Light M, for the record. So what's the difference? Very little, as it turns out. The only difference, I do believe, is that the Magic damage is +30 with Light L, but that 10% item power is the same. It's the same even with Destiny Light S, except Magic damage is only +10 there. So yeah, as long as you get A Shining Destiny, you've got it covered. But there we go: everyone's Ultimate Weapon is made.

So why am I making another Ice Cascade Bomb? Well, getting an N/A into the (Plant) slot is a rather difficult procedure. The problem with the N/A is that it only has one Awakened Effect, in the (Bomb) slot of the synthesis. And normally the only bomb that can have a new item category is the Himmelstern, which has an Awaken (Poison) Effect to it. But the problem becomes, I eventually need to have a Dunkel Curry that has an Awaken (Bomb) effect, since that's the only thing that Awaken an item into a (Plant) item that we can use. So this was pretty difficult, but I think I found the most efficient way.
Sylphid's (Plant) N/A posted:
Ice Cascade Bomb (Awaken Fuel) -> Fish Sauce (Awaken Bomb) -> N/A (Awaken Spice) -> Dunkel Curry (Awaken Bomb) -> N/A (Awaken Plant) -> Omega Craft
This was all me, by the way. Didn't read anything elsewhere to develop this. The problem is both the Dunkel Curry and N/A have some pretty restrictive item slots, so it's more complicated than the Earth Omega Craft we made before. But if you can have a more efficient way of doing it, I'd be fascinated. That Ice Cascade Bomb was a lifesaver. If that didn't Awaken (Bomb) I'd probably have to give up on a Fire Omega Craft. But it worked, out, that's the important part. Of course I just added a Sulfite to this synthesis to get the best Fire Effect. Hopefully this is the last time I have to make this thing, but you never know. Graduation

That might actually be more difficult than she thinks, but in the interest of not spoiling other Ateliers, all I'm sayin'.

And that's Piana's final scene. Only a handful left.

Word to the wise, I'd register that Tera Bomb / Rocket Ice / Grand Lightning, because making all these is very annoying just for an N/A and you'll have...need of N/As in the future. Of course, if you're still a distance away from Level 50, which, if you've taken a route through the game roughly similar to mine, you should not be, might want to consider making them for EXP. Although, just keep in mind, we have more than 200 points worth of Alchemy EXP just from finishing Alchemyriddle chapters.

This was the most powerful elemental bomb in Atelier Totori's arsenal. Here, it is a stepping stone.

Unfortunately...since my above flow chart requires making an N/A twice, we'll have to make all those bombs...again. Tremendous.

Here we go, for real. This one's going right into a Fire Omega Craft. Of course, at 999 Quality.

So sadly, we can't get 6 uses on this thing and get Demon Strike, but everything else checks out. But I have something a bit different in mind for this...

Just having Exploding Spikes M, which adds damage and Faint damage, is unfortunate, but there is a limit to any alchemist's power. Nonetheless, with Sure Shot / Dragon God's Roar / Demon Slowdown AND 999 Quality, this is a very very powerful item, not to mention having Fire Damage Lvl 5.

My reasoning for Exploding Spikes M is that there's only so much an enemy turn can be knocked back, assuming they're not KO'd first, of course. Having Rorona AND Lulua knocking back turns is a meaningless effect once you hit that knockback cap.

Let's talk about the Healing Bells I'm carrying over from my first playthrough. Because there are a lot of valuable healing / buffing traits in this game, you need to be smart about it. The Bell is the best healing item in the game because its WT value after using it via Interrupt is low, so much like the Omega Craft, you can use it a lot even if other items are technically more powerful with equivalent Quality / traits. Unfortunately, you only have three slots for traits. So the advice I took on my first run was to make two Ultimate Healing Bells. One focuses on healing (including MP / Faint) and the other on buffing. Increasing maximum HP (Unwitting Vitality), reduce WT times (Mystic Influence), and Healing Essence (recover from KO. Mostly just as an emergency measure). As you can see, this also removes negative status effects, so we'll call this our "buffing" Healing Bell.

The healing Healing Bell restores MP / Faint (Clever Heal), restores HP / MP for 3 turns (Forest Solace), and increases power by 20% and recovers from HP (Twilight Nectar). The effects for this also increase the HP recovery value, and, combined with all the item-enhancing traits I have on my current equipment, will really jack the effectiveness of this up. Luckily, the MP recovery scales with the power of the healing item itself, so that's also a ton of HP restored. Piana will be using the "buffing" Healing Bell, since it's more generally useful. We'll using the "healing" Healing Bell as needed.
The reason I'm not talking about HOW exactly I made these is that there's not really anything special about what I did with them, unlike how you make a decent Omega Craft at 999 Quality.The Healing Bell has plenty of slots for transferring traits / Awakened Effects, so just customize as you see fit, basically.

But after long, long last, time to get back to the plot.

Defeating the most dangerous Puni uncovered another secret of the universe? Sounds right.

It's been so long... How to save memories

Yes, let's. But remember, I said that axis between Arland and Ster Highlands was important, and we had a Totori event along the road, right? We did.

Here's that Resonance All: Universe in action. This is just it in action, by the way, and this build is not at all meant to represent the end of my upgrading. In fact, this is my first battle on CHARISMA, which I decided to bump my game up to because I figured my ultimate building thus far would humiliate bosses from this point on unless I evened the odds for their sake.

Gonna be real, Lulua, I think Totori can take care of herself these days.

Ehhh, kind of misleading, what Lulua's saying here. Totori had only heard of Alchemyriddle from Piana, which happened after Piana came back to Arland during this game and she told her about it. Apparently Piana told her quite the tale, which inspired Totori's scene here.

Don't "haha" me, Totori. Remember your beer-making sidequest for Gerhard? Thanks to all that business with the Guardian in this game, we know that sidequest was canon. You were making lots of stinky fishy alcohol for him.

Lulua. Just stop right there. I already had the misfortune in a previous Atelier to make one poor bastard drink Puni, even if it was part of a recipe for medicine, and it was one of the morally questionable things you could do in an Atelier game. There's no need to bring back those dark days.

Yep, still nothing here. Let's just go get that feather.

Things seem okay so far... Oh, also, when I was clearing this place out for 100% completion of the Ster Highlands, I fought the dragon in the second area. Since I didn't want to waste time with him, used my Mortal Blow Craft on him and insta-killed him. So there you go, it works on them. You know the worst thing, though? He dropped a Dragon Eye, first time. Thanks for wasting hours of my life back when I was going through here the first time on this playthrough. The destined meeting

Well. Wind Stone certainly knows how to be around when you need him.

While Wind Stone is saying that last line, everyone starts drawing their weapons.

Music: Cygnus

Our final battle against a giant bird. This fight doesn't have any of the Omegas I made previously, due to some glitches in causality between playthroughs. You'll have to forgive me.
On a more positive note, Cygnus is probably the best battle theme in the game, so do give it a listen, won't you?

Pretty mean parameters on highest difficulty. As far as attacks go, he has a few AoE attacks, some single-target, but also has the ability to add HP regen and clear debuffs. So, I wouldn't invest too much stock in debuffing this fellow, and again, Rorona's weakness-making isn't going to help here.

So I made a huuuuuuge mistake here, just because this is CHARISMA. So the gimmick with this difficulty is that every time you use an attack item, it gets weaker and weaker. This was a really nasty penalty in Firis and Lydie & Suelle, since those games had no Interrupt mechanic. It meant that on the highest difficulty, equipment builds were much more important than attack items. In this game, this penalty still exists, but *does not apply* to Interrupt uses of an item. So I could have used my Interrupt Omega Craft as much as I want without any penalties to it.
The problem is that, if your Interrupt item is the same as the item that's losing power over and over again, that penalty now begins to attach to your Interrupt item. This is why I absolutely should have not used Omega Craft here, and throughout the fight. I totally forgot about this highest-difficulty mechanic, which is why I was wondering why my items were so weak when I had such good equipment. Now just imagine that warm breeze that these items would be doing if I didn't have all those item boosting traits / effects.
Now, the thing with this item debuffing mechanic is that it just flat-out applies to any of the same item. So if you tried to get cute and use a technically different Omega Craft, that takes up a different item slot in your usable items menu, the game's gonna catch you on that and debuff that technically different item. So Interrupt is really going to be your big damage-dealing source, and keep it that way. I do not believe this mechanic applies to anything else except for attack items, though.

Check out Niko's health there. With that Physical resist up from the armor he's using (Temple Guard L effect), he is an absolute beast against Wind Stone. The ball of feathers just can't break through against him.

Music: Apocryphal Moon Frenzy

Did get some nice uses for Totori and Piana's ultimates. Totori's song, since it isn't in the Extras menu, is a remix of her battle theme from Atelier Totori, GO GO TOTORI.

And after repeated uses, check out how much damage my Crafts are doing now. If you're gonna plan on higher difficulties, better play by its rules.
Ultimately, rest of the fight wasn't too interesting, mainly because only these two were left on the field and it was just a matter of slowly grinding the bird down. As it has been said, let's skip a bit.

Puni Curry is a bridge too far, but we can blow birds up with them.

I'm...guessing the start of Rorona. It's been a while, but that would be about the only context she'd say such a thing.

So a fun fact about this important scene is that, whatever atelier you technically warped or walked back to, you automatically get moved to Arklys. You'll see why, but I know this for a fact. The book's author

So yep, the real author behind Alchemyriddle, the grand designer was...Lulua in another timeline. She sent the book so that Our Lulua could hone her skills as quickly as possible so she could meet Stia and change that girl's fate. The reason why only Lulua can read it is never exactly stated but apparently this thing was created with alchemy or something such that only the person who was meant to make use of it was the only one who could. She had us in mind

Normally I probably would have called the update there, but we'll do that when we've finally made the Memory Core for Stia. After that, it's back to Fellsgalaxen's core. Defensive Stance is pretty powerful, as it reduces all damage done to Lulua by 10%. If only everyone got that.

The final act for Alchemyriddle... But for now, we're headed for Arls.

Meruru wants a little hunting trip to Nearby Forest, where her own alchemic journey began in earnest. I think we can take care of that now. But we do have a few more scenes around here, including giving Niko a Goddess Statue. A wandering magician and nothing more

Love that Smug Lulua expression.

Yes...let's just leave it at that. Everything...
Now we only have...Niko, Aurel, and Sterk left. Goddess of fortune

An inspired design, if I do say so myself.

You know this has to work. Niko's final scene happens when he hits Friendship level 80%. One thing we can take care of right now is Meruru's above request. We can probably handle it.

I think she can handle things, Lulua. Let's just skip ahead, since these two are nothing special at all.

Wow, such a slight against Arls' newest citizens. It feels weird for Atelier protagonists to mock them even if we now know that they have conscious thought and, under some particular circumstances, can communicate with humans in an intelligible way. But to be fair, taking slime creatures with a |_| face seriously and not taking the occasional crack at their expense is a tall order to ask of anyone.

Aurel's rivals have just doubled. Interesting development. But now we're off to Arls, since there's another big batch of scenes there.

In gameplay terms in prior entries, Duplicate allowed Totori to replicate an item without reducing its use count but at the cost of MP and reduced item power.

She wants 20 Bombs, actually. Just register stocks at Dragon's and buy them. No sense in wasting your time. The Letter

I do hope they rehearsed this charade.

*Rorona storms off*

Ya blew it, man. In case you couldn't tell, these events are part of Sterk's quest line, rather than Rorona's. But both are necessary to unlock an ending, since neither Sterk nor Rorona have an ending of their own. But speaking of endings, we have another we can trigger here, once you see the second duel with Sterk and get Aurel's Friendship level to 80%. We're really snowballing the endgame. The Knight

As strong an accolade as can ever be recieved from Sterk, even if Aurel never received it. He'll go far. Saving the last ending flags for the manliest men. Very much intended.

Despite the grandiose name, the Sands of Time aren't a Plot Item, but I would very strongly recommend you register one at Dragon's. He should have no problem reproducing *the Sands of Time*, after all.

But the Memory Core IS an (Important Item). And the ending for this update. Right after the following scene, of course.

But now we have our trump card against Stia's fate. Let's just hope it works. That which can change destiny

Well, what are we waiting for?